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email disclaimer / 電子メール免責事項

email disclaimer

The information contained in this e-mail message is confidential and is intended only for the use of the recipient named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you must not, directly or indirectly, use, disclose, distribute, print, or copy any part, attachment of this message.

If you have received this message in error, please immediately delete itand all copies of it from your computer system, destroy any hard copiesof it and notify the sender. Internet e-mails are not necessarily secure. Our company does not accept liability for any damage sustained as a result of viruses in this e-mail or any attachment(s). Our company does not accept responsibility for changes made, accuracy or completeness of this message or any attachment(s) after it was sent. Ourcompany reserves the right to monitor all e-mail communications throughout its networks.




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