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Cybersecurity Consultant

Publication date 2024/07/26

Tokyo,0.0M ~ 0.0M

As companies are turning to digital and new cyber risks are emerging, the demand to respond to these risks is becoming more and more predominant; therefore, numerous companies are looking for cybersecurity experts with problem-solving ability and business perspective.

For this role you will be responsible for responding to a wide range of client issues with a focus on cybersecurity. You can master one industry/area or expand your knowledge by gaining experience in a variety of industries/areas.

Projects include the following:

・Security assessment
・Formulation of security strategies and creation of medium-term plans and roadmaps
・Zero trust architecture, etc.

Therefore, you can gain a wide range of experience not only in technical security measures, but also in security strategies and business processes.

Security Engineer

Publication date 2024/07/26

Tokyo,7.0M ~ 17.0M

Responsibilities include:

・Vulnerability diagnosis of servers, network devices and applications
・Malware analysis for targeted attacks
・Incident response using digital forensic technology
・Monitoring and analysis of customer systems and providing initial response when an incident occurs
・Research and development regarding the latest security threats and countermeasures.

Digital Risk Consultant

Publication date 2024/07/26

Tokyo,7.0M ~ 17.0M

As companies are turning to digital, digital resilience is getting increasingly complex and important for the future of the businesses.

For this role you will be supporting global companies to capture these emerging new risks and connect them with growth opportunities.

Projects include the following:

・Digital supply chain risk
・Data regulation on a global scale
・Emerging tech risk & information management
・Strategy review for offshore bases

You can gain a wide range of experience in the digital related areas such as new technologies (generative AI etc), economic security, and data regulations.


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