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Senior Security Engineer

Publication date 2024/07/26

Tokyo,10.0M ~ 15.0M

- Promoting the introduction of cloud security and zero trust security
- Considering and promoting security measures for applications and APIs
- Existing Strengthening the security of the IT environment, examining and promoting the standardization of tools and processes


Publication date 2024/07/26

Hyogo,5.0M ~ 7.5M

- 工事責任者の補佐業務
- 建設スケジュール詳細作成
- 現地管理に関する書類作成
- 建設スーパーバイザーや下請け業者の進捗報告による工事管理
- 安全管理

Rotating Machine Manager

Publication date 2024/07/26

Hyogo,9.0M ~ 11.0M

- Quality and Schedule management of Rotating Machinery related to project execution and inspection, commissioning and etc
- Communication within peers network and update information related to Rotating Machinery
- Good knowledge in design compressor, pump or related package
- Support sales activity and commisioning activity
- Communicate with vensor and clients


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