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Site Reliability Engineer

Publication date 2024/07/26

Tokyo,6.0M ~ 13.0M

Accelerate infrastructure standardization and infrastructure deployment/operation

Conduct infrastructure projects(work with other teams and external vendors)

Support deployment and operation on our system platform using

Operation / Maintenance for Relational DB

Maintain production services for the sake of service reliability improvement

Senior Information Security (Data Governance, Data protection)

Publication date 2024/07/26

Tokyo,10.0M ~ 16.0M

This position will work with the CISO's technical team to design, build, and operate security controls. The main duties are as follows.

Build and operate information security controls using frameworks such as NIST CSF and CIS Controls
Create data standards and business rules
Determine what new data will be captured and/or standardized
In-house consulting GDPR, Data Governance including personal information for business departments, and support for responding to security inquiries from corporate customers.
Obtained third-party certification such as SOC and ISMS

Senior Machine Learning Engineer

Publication date 2024/07/26

Tokyo,7.0M ~ 13.0M

- Proposal, evaluation, development, and operation to solve issues for each of Money Forward's services and products using machine learning
- Support the development of machine learning features and processes for each company's product development teams
- Collaboration with data analysts, analyst engineers, and data engineers, including the Analytics Promotion Office, - Analytics Infrastructure Department, and Money Forward Lab, to create a foundation for data-driven analysis and decision making
- Creating business value through the development of machine learning infrastructure based on a company-wide data strategy


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