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Electrical Engineer

Publication date 2024/07/26

Kanagawa,8.0M ~ 12.0M

1. Sustain and support the manufacturing and operations of SLB tools as subject matter expert
2. Generate solutions to improve the functionality and business aspects of the tools through technical inputs
3. Study electrical circuit design document, electrical schematics and manual test instruction procedure and completely understand PCBA functionality.
4. Electrical circuit simulation using software’s like PSpice, LTSpice, and/or Cadence etc.
5. PCBA testing and debugging using standard off-the-shelf electrical equipment.
6. Analysis of electronic component level to find a suitable alternate component.
7. Provide all technical documentation required for sustaining PCBA like design document, manuals, test procedure etc.
8. Work with Electrical CAD designers for preparing circuit schematic/PCBA layout, bill of materials and review their work.
9. Provide bill of materials and procure components for prototyping PCBA.
10. Statistical analysis of data provided
11. Perform functional evaluation of analog and digital components at room temperature and high temperature.
12. Prepare and continuously share updates of the detailed project plan and progress of project with other Schlumberger Product


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