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Security Engineer

Publication date 2024/07/26

Work Location , Expected Annual Income :

Tokyo,7.0M ~ 17.0M

About the Company :

Global Consulting Firm

Responsibilities :

Responsibilities include:

・Vulnerability diagnosis of servers, network devices and applications
・Malware analysis for targeted attacks
・Incident response using digital forensic technology
・Monitoring and analysis of customer systems and providing initial response when an incident occurs
・Research and development regarding the latest security threats and countermeasures.

Benefits :

・Attractive remuneration package
・Top player in Japan's cybersecurity consulting market
・Flex time
・Hybrid work

Required Experience / Abilities / Skills :

・Hand-on experience on any of the following:
 -Vulnerability diagnosis
 -Malware analysis
 -Forensic engineering
 -Security operations
 -Threat intelligence
・Business level Japanese and English

Contact Information :

Eva Choong
Information Technology Team

JOB ID : IJB2005327

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