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Territory Manager

Publication date 2025/03/7

Work Location , Expected Annual Income :

Tokyo,12.0M ~ 13.0M

About the Company :

Multinational Chemical Company

Responsibilities :

1. Responsible and manage sales team and role out the sales strategy
2. Responsible to sustainable personal development of the team members
3. Manage Japan and Korea sales team, and achieve the KPI targets
4. Implementing sales strategy in aligment with Global Head of sales to deliver business strategy
5. Accountable for regional budget planning
6. Market intelligence in the applications, pricing and potential volumes of the products

Benefits :

Attractive salary pacakage and full standard insurance

Required Experience / Abilities / Skills :

1. Good knowledge about ion exchange resin and its applicaiton
2. Experiences in water treatment business segmenet is a plus
3. Business level English communciation skill and native Japanese skill
4. Experiences in working abroad and domestic market is plus
5. Good communication and capability in managing the sales teams

Contact Information :

Cindy Liaw

JOB ID : IJB2005840

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