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Employee Relations

Publication date 2025/02/10

Work Location , Expected Annual Income :

Tokyo,7.0M ~ 12.0M

About the Company :

Global Tech Company

Responsibilities :

- Manage ER cases
- Conduct independent investigations
- Provide advice and counsel to businesses on disciplinary and warning actions
- ER case documentation, including investigation reports and issue analysis;
- Conduct training and education to drive better ER decisions;

Benefits :

- Up to 20m JPY
- Staff cafeteria and additional office perks
- Company that has global presence
- Opportunity to improve company working culture

Required Experience / Abilities / Skills :

- 7 years of experience in the HR field
- Excellent communication skills to work with different stakeholderes
- Well-versed with Japanese labour law
- Able to effectively communicate in Japanese and English

Contact Information :
Sam Sim, HR B2B

JOB ID : IJB2006254

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