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Platform Engineer

Publication date 2024/09/13

Work Location , Expected Annual Income :

Tokyo,7.0M ~ 10.5M

About the Company :

Multinational Insurance Company

Responsibilities :

In addition to developing tools, procedures, and systems that increase our overall operational resilience and reliability, the platform engineer collaborates with the development and operations teams to address operational problems. This position is a hybrid software developer that writes operations administration software, infrastructure code, and solves general problems. Additionally, the emphasis is on providing engineering teams with professional advice and Cloud-based tools so they can consistently supply dependable, high-quality components.

Benefits :

Work Life Balance
Health Insurance
Employees' Pension
Employment Insurance

Required Experience / Abilities / Skills :

Over five years of experience in operations.

Scripting (python/shellscript) and software development experience is preferred.

Some familiarity with automated remediation, warning systems, and application performance monitoring

Experience with Linux system administration

Capacity to identify the core source of issues, prioritize their solutions, and triage them rapidly under pressure

Desire to work in a dynamic, fast-paced, ever-evolving workplace

A strong desire to work with any technology in order to integrate into the DevOps community as a cross-functional member

Contact Information :

For more details;

Asmita Khatri
Consultant (Corporate IT)

JOB ID : IJB2006943

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